QIOTask in used in QEMU live migration code.


Register @func to be invoked whenever a new client connects to the listener. @func will be invoked passing in the QIOChannelSocket instance for the client.


// The QIONetListener object encapsulates the management of a listening socket.
// It is able to listen on multiple sockets concurrently.
struct QIONetListener {
    Object parent;

    char *name;
    QIOChannelSocket **sioc;
    GSource **io_source;
    size_t nsioc; // number of channels

    bool connected;

    QIONetListenerClientFunc io_func;
    gpointer io_data;
    GDestroyNotify io_notify;

A listener's io_func is only

  • set in qio_net_listener_set_client_func_full.
  • called in qio_net_listener_channel_func.


Call func when condition is met, with glib's help.

// following are the same
guint qio_channel_add_watch_full

Here is the conditions:

typedef enum /*< flags >*/
} GIOCondition;

The func seems always be qio_net_listener_channel_func, which is a function wrapper doing following things:

  • accept new connection:
  • call the listener->io_func()


有两个要执行的元素,一个是 task,另一个是 worker,正如其名,worker 是为 task 服务的,所以会先执行 worker,在 worker 执行完之后会调用 QIOTask *task 里的 func (也就是 callback) 。

worker 是在一个新的 thread 中被执行的,执行完之后此 thread 会被 close 并回到调用此函数的线程继续执行 task,可以做实验验证这一点。那么问题来了,既然这个是异步的,那么当 worker 执行完毕要继续执行 task 时,原线程当前执行的内容要被打断吗?(是会打断的,得益于 qemu 的事件循环机制,qemu 的主线程也就是 main event loop thread)。

void qio_task_run_in_thread(QIOTask *task,
                            QIOTaskWorker worker,
                            gpointer opaque,
                            GDestroyNotify destroy,
                            GMainContext *context);

QIOTaskFunc / QIOTaskWorker

// It is a function type with the following function signature
typedef void (*QIOTaskFunc)(QIOTask *task, gpointer opaque);
// It is a function type with the following function signature, like QIOTaskFunc
typedef void (*QIOTaskWorker)(QIOTask *task, gpointer opaque);

// QIOTask 包含了 QIOTaskThreadData 包含了 QIOTaskWorker
// QIOTask 包含了 QIOTaskFunc

QIOTaskWorker is the function for preparation. QIOTaskFunc is used as the completion callback.


struct QIOTaskThreadData {
    QIOTaskWorker worker; // the worker function executed before the real function
    gpointer opaque;
    GDestroyNotify destroy;
    GMainContext *context;
    GSource *completion;


[Qemu-devel] [PATCH v3 3/9] io: add QIOTask class for async operations - Daniel P. Berrange

Provides a mechanism to run a blocking function in a thread, while triggering the completion callback in the main event loop thread.

the QIOTask class will be used for things like the TLS handshake, the websockets handshake and TCP connect() progress.

这个结构体里存了一些数据,比如要执行的函数,然后作为 args 传给 qio_task_thread_worker() 解析并执行。

When use QIOTask and when use Coroutine?


这个函数接收一个 QIOTask 类型的参数,调用里面的函数,

static gpointer qio_task_thread_worker(gpointer opaque)
    QIOTask *task = opaque;
    // task->thread->worker()
    task->thread->worker(task, task->thread->opaque);
    // task-func() (the callback function, this function is executed in the main event loop thread)
                          qio_task_thread_result, task, NULL);

注意 callback 函数是在 main event loop thread 里跑的,比如我们起四个 stream 来测试 live migration, 然后在 worker 之前和 func(callback) 之前分别打印一下当前 thread id,可以得到:

qemu-system-x86_64: info: Working running in the thread id = 1403049046
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Callback running in the thread id = 140308090261312
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Working running in the thread id = 140304904615680
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Working running in the thread id = 140302924887808
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Working running in the thread id = 140305543153408
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Working running in the thread id = 140304879437568
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Callback running in the thread id = 140308090261312
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Callback running in the thread id = 140308090261312
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Callback running in the thread id = 140308090261312
qemu-system-x86_64: info: Callback running in the thread id = 140308090261312

可以看到,callback 都是在同一个 thread(140308090261312) 里跑的,说明这个是 main loop thread。