Perl one line

Cover - Perl one-liners cookbook


Understanding /etc/passwd File Format - nixCraft

Yum/DNF 使用

# 查看安装的源
sudo dnf repolist enabled

# 安装一个 repo 到 /etc/yum.repos.d/
# the url should contain the repodata/ folder
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo <url>

# change filename, id (the first line) and the repo name
sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/<name>.repo
sudo dnf makecache

# search a package from a specified repo
sudo dnf search qemu-kvm --disablerepo=\* --enablerepo=<repo_id> 

# install a package from a specified repo
# Don't use --disablerepo=\*, because some dependencies maybe contained other repos
sudo dnf install qemu-kvm --enablerepo=<repo_id>

Note: repo_id can be seen in the file /etc/yum.repos.d/<filename.repo>.

Yum/DNF's equivalents with APT: APT command equivalents on Fedora with DNF :: Fedora Docs

RPM naming convention

包名 - 版本号 - 发布次数 - 发行商 -Linux 平台 - 适合的硬件平台 - 包扩展名


  • tdx-migration-tools: 包名
  • 0.1: 版本号
  • 1: 发布次数
  • el8: 发行商,el8 表示此包是由 Red Hat 公司发布,适合在 RHEL 8.x 和 CentOS 8.x 上使用。
  • noarch: 硬件平台


❯ build/qemu-system-x86_64 --version
QEMU emulator version 7.2.90 (v6.1.0-13152-g1c5c785656)
Copyright (c) 2003-2022 Fabrice Bellard and the QEMU Project developers

QEMU_PKGVERSION is the v6.1.0-13152-g1c5c785656.

It is generated by git describe --match 'v*' --dirty.

See git describe^.

Remote attestation

The goal of remote attestation is to enable a remote system (challenger) to determine the level of trust in the integrity of platform of another system (attestator).

相比于 local attestation 的难点在哪里?(From ChatGPT)

Remote attestation 相比于 local attestation 的难点在于如何确保信任链的安全性和完整性。

在 local attestation 中,安全环境是已知的,受信任的,本地的环境。因此,可以轻松地建立可信的软硬件环境,并进行身份验证和可信度量。在这种情况下,信任链是相对简单和明确的,因为整个过程都在受信任的环境中完成。

然而,对于 remote attestation,系统的安全环境不是本地的,而是在远程环境中。因此,需要确保通信的安全性和完整性,以便确保远程环境的可信度量和身份验证结果是可信的。在这种情况下,信任链变得更加复杂和难以管理,因为它需要考虑到远程环境中的各种不确定性和安全风险。

为了解决这个问题,通常使用基于公钥基础设施(PKI)的信任链来确保远程 attestation 的安全性。在这种方案中,使用数字证书来验证远程环境的身份,并确保消息的机密性和完整性。这样可以建立可信的信任链,确保远程 attestation 的结果是可信的。

因此,remote attestation 相比于 local attestation 的难点在于确保远程环境的安全性和完整性,并建立可信的信任链。这需要使用复杂的加密和身份验证技术,以确保通信的安全性和远程 attestation 的可信度量结果。



What does .old suffix in kernel name mean?

When you are installing your kernel the responsible script is copying kernel image and initramfs into your /boot directory. If a previous kernel image with the same name already exist, it is renamed by appending .old to its name.

ls /lib/modules doesn't have .old suffix.

compiling - Linux kernel version suffix + CONFIG_LOCALVERSION - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Platform device

这些设备有一个基本的特征:可以通过 CPU bus 直接寻址(例如在嵌入式系统常见的 “寄存器”)。因此,由于这个共性,内核在设备模型的基础上(device 和 device_driver),对这些设备进行了更进一步的封装,抽象出 paltform bus、platform device 和 platform driver,以便驱动开发人员可以方便的开发这类设备的驱动。


NVMe over fabrics (NVMe-oF)

An extension of the NVMe network protocol to Ethernet.

Compared to NVMe over PCIe.

SmartNIC, IPU and DPU

相对于在数据层面上实现加速的 SmartNIC 来说,DPU 更进一步实现了控制层面的加速。

SmartNIC 技术诞生的初衷是以比普通 CPU 低得多的成本实现对各种虚拟化功能的支持,如 SRIOV,overlay encap/decap,以及部分 vSwitch 处理逻辑的 offload。

在服务器侧引入智能网卡,将网络、存储、操作系统中不适合 CPU 处理的高性能数据处理功能卸载到硬件执行,提升数据处理能力,释放 CPU 算力。

传统智能网卡上没有 CPU,需要 Host CPU 进行管理。DPU 也被称为新一代智能网卡,拥有高性能 “CPU + 可编程硬件” 转发 IO 数据面加速的 PCIe 网卡设备,在实现标准网卡功能(NIC/TSO) 的同时,还提供灵活的软件定义能力。

SmartNIC 实现了部分卸载,即只卸载数据面,控制面仍然在 Host CPU 处理。DPU 实现了完全的卸载,服务器的数据面和控制面都卸载运行在 DPU 内部的嵌入式 CPU 中。DPU 实现包括软件卸载和硬件加速两个方面,即将负载从 Host CPU 卸载到 DPU 的嵌入式 CPU 中,同时将负载数据面通过 DPU 内部的其他类型硬件加速引擎,如协处理器、GPU、FPGA、DSA 等来处理。

IPU 是 Intel 发明的概念。

从SmartNIC到DPU,智能网卡的演进之路 - 腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云

Cannot mount AppImage, please check your FUSE setup

sudo yum -y install fuse

ID Allocation (IDR and IDA)

The IDR and the IDA provide a reasonable solution to the problem to avoid everybody inventing their own. The IDR provides the ability to map an ID to a pointer, while the IDA provides only ID allocation, and as a result is much more memory-efficient.

For IDA:

  • The IDA handles its own locking. It is safe to call any of the IDA functions without synchronisation in your code.
  • IDs are currently limited to the range [0-INT_MAX].

IDA 是一种基于 Radix 的 ID 分配机制。TDX 的 HKID 基于此进行分配。

ID Allocation — The Linux Kernel documentation

Linux boot to BIOS directly like Windows holding shift when click restart button

sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup

Linux on UEFI - how to reboot to the UEFI setup screen like Windows 8 can? - Super User


Save minicom log to a file

sudo minicom -C trist.log -D /dev/ttyUSB1

Shadow cache

写的时候把 shadow copy 一起写上,读的时候只需要读 shadow 即可。

Shadow 里的内容永远是保存的最新的状态。



Reg cache

Reg cache 是不需要 cache 里面的内容永远保持最新的状态,只有它访问时才去更新。

How to load a kernel module with parameters

sudo modprobe kvm_intel tdx=1

How to list all the kernel modules

sudo lsmod

See all available parameters of a kernel module

sudo modinfo kvm_intel

KVM parameters

sudo ls /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters

Specify kernel name when compile


KVM parameters

ll sys/module/kvm/parameters/

migratable Cmdline option in QEMU

If set, only migratable flags will be accepted when "enforce" mode is used, and only migratable flags will be included in the "host". If not specified in the cmdline, the default is true (you can see the code).

The property definition is in target/i386/cpu.c:

// host is the subclass of max. From here we can see, "migratable" option is only valid in max/host, it is meaningless is cpu model
static Property max_x86_cpu_properties[] = {
    DEFINE_PROP_BOOL("migratable", X86CPU, migratable, true),

See the following function for how do migratable, migratable_flags, unmigratable_flag and feature names influent if the feature will be exposed to guest.

static uint64_t x86_cpu_get_migratable_flags(FeatureWord w)
    // ...
    for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
        // ...
        if ((wi->migratable_flags & f) ||
            (wi->feat_names[i] && !(wi->unmigratable_flags & f))) {
            r |= f;
    return r;


假设在第一次配置 NFS 的共享目录,之后需要新增、更改某些机器或共享的目录;首先需要更改配置文件,然后重启 NFS 服务,但如果远程客户端正在使用 NFS 服务,正在挂载着,如果你需要先停止 NFS 服务,那远程的客户端就会挂起,就会很大的影响,造成服务异常,进程异常,有很大可能导致系统坏掉。NFS 服务不能随便重启,要重启,就需要先去 client 上,把挂载的目录卸载下来。

在卸载目录后,在重启 NFS 服务。若是有很多 client 都挂载了,那么每台机器都需要去卸载,就会很麻烦。

方法:使用 exportfs 命令,重新加载下

exportfs 命令

-a 全部挂载或者全部卸载

-r 重新挂载

-u 卸载某一个目录

-v 显示共享目录

所以 exportfs 省力在什么地方?好像还是需要每一个 client 都操作一下。


exportfs命令 - 菜鸟++ - 博客园

QDF / S-Spec

QDF Number is a four digit code used to distinguish between engineering samples. e.g.,

Once a processor is in pre-production, its S-Spec Number is used to represent it.

What's the difference of QDF and S-spec code ? - Intel Communities

cr4_guest_owned_bits And cr4_guest_rsvd_bits in vcpu

CR4 reserved bits

system reserved cr4

guest reserved cr4

How to write CPU model for QEMU


  • Model: 可以 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model,也可以直接看 SDM 上的值,Vol 4, Chapter 2, Table 2-1。
  • Family: 可以 cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep family,也可以直接看 SDM 上的值,Vol 4, Chapter 2, Table 2-1。
  • .level: The maximum input value for Basic CPUID Information supported on this model. cpuid -1 -l 0 -r, the return EAX value is it.
  • .xlevel: The maximum input value for Extended Function CPUID Information supported on this model. cpuid -1 -l 0x80000000 -r, the return EAX value is it.
  • .stepping: The stepping info needs to read from physical SDP via CPUID tool (or simply lscpu), it may varies as BIOS/microcode changes. Simply pick the latest value when you develop the QEMU CPU model.
  • .model_id: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep model

Tail queue

QEMU 和 kernel 中都有实现。


Difference between a tail queue and a double-ended queue:

data structures - Difference between a Tail queue and a Double-ended queue - Stack Overflow


An "irqchip" is KVM's name called an "interrupt controller".

A VM needs an emulated interrupt controller. In a KVM VM, it is possible to have this emulated device be in userspace (ie QEMU) like all the other emulated devices. But because the interrupt controller is so closely involved with the handling of simulated interrupts, having to go back and forth between the kernel and userspace frequently as the guest manipulates the interrupt controller is bad for performance. So KVM provides an emulation of an interrupt controller in the kernel (the "in-kernel irqchip"). The default QEMU setting is to use the in-kernel irqchip.

linux - What is an “irqchip”? - Stack Overflow

How to know physical address and linear address length?

cpuid -1 -l 0x80000008

A sample output:

Physical Address and Linear Address Size (0x80000008/eax):
      maximum physical address bits         = 0x2e (46)
      maximum linear (virtual) address bits = 0x39 (57)

In SDM, MAXPHYADDR always refer to the maximum physical address bits. MAXLINADDR always refer to the maximum linear address bits.

注意,MAXPHYADDR 不代表 CPU 实际支持的大小:But since no one will be using that much physical ram before current CPU models are obsolete, CPU chips don't actually support that much. They support various numbers of physical address bits from 36 up. 40, which you have, is pretty typical.

address sizes in cpuinfo


CPU idle time management is an energy-efficiency feature.

if idle=poll is used, idle CPUs will execute a more or less lightweight'' sequence of instructions in a tight loop.

CPU Idle Time Management — The Linux Kernel documentation



Container 是在 Image 之上去创建的,不同于镜像(Image)就是一堆只读层(read-only layer),而 Container 最上面那一层(Container layer)是可读可写的。

有些容器会自动产生一些数据,为了不让数据随着 container 的消失而消失,就有了 Volume 的存在,其可以带来很好的性能表现,这是因为它 绕过 storage driver 直接将文件卸载宿主机上,不需要使用写时复制策略。正因如此,当需要大量的文件写操作时最好使用数据卷。

Docker容器中数据两种持久化存储方式 - 知乎

VOLUME in dockerfile vs. -v when docker run

一文说清楚Dockerfile 中VOLUME到底有什么用?_dockerfile volume_诺浅的博客-CSDN博客

How to change guest cmdline

sudo vim /etc/default/grub and append your kernel options between the quotes:

# for Ubuntu
sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

# for CentOS
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Sometimes grub is not used, for example: systemd-boot (formerly known as gummiboot) boot loader.

Systemd-boot: an alternative to GRUB | Linux Addicts

edit the file in /boot/loader/entries/<kernel>.conf directly.

systemd-boot – Discovery


Dracut is a set of tools that provide enhanced functionality for automating the Linux boot process.

dracut is capable of embedding the kernel parameters in the initramfs, thus allowing to omit them from the boot loader configuration.

Change home directory for a user in Linux

login as root, then:

usermod -m -d /newhome/username username


install GRUB to a device. (Not install a kernel to grub!).

--bootloader-id=ID: the ID of bootloader. This option is only available on EFI and Macs.

GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)

In UEFI, a GUID is a 128-bit value used to uniquely identify a wide range of objects, including EFI system partitions, boot entries, hardware devices, firmware volumes, and more.

GUIDs are used extensively in UEFI to provide a standardized way of identifying various objects across different platforms and firmware implementations. This ensures that firmware and software components can reliably and accurately locate and interact with these objects, even when running on different systems with different firmware versions.

Example: Each partition has a "partition type GUID" that identifies the type of the partition and therefore partitions of the same type will all have the same "partition type GUID". For ESP^, it is C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B.

GUID Partition Table - Wikipedia

How does OS know the size of the physical memory?

BIOS: An OS that boot from a BIOS-based system query the Query System Address Map function using INT 0x15, AX=0xE820.

UEFI: A UEFI-based OS would typically get the physical memory map using the GetMemoryMap() interface.

linux - how does the OS know the real size of the physical memory? - Stack Overflow


The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the information in the first sector of a hard disk.

  1. Will be of 512 bytes.
  2. Contains partition tables to mount partitions ( i.e., details related to Primary, Logical and Extended partitions)
  3. Holds Stage 1 of GRUB (boot loader).

Primary function of stage 1 of Grub is to locate stage 2 of GRUB, which eventually helps in booting of OS.

Offset  Size    Description
0x000   446     Boot Code
0x1BE   64      Partition Table (4 entries, 16 bytes each)
0x1FE   2       Boot Signature (0x55AA)

CentOS dependencies for building kernel

sudo yum install ncurses-devel

CentOS dependencies for building QEMU

sudo yum install ninja-build glib2-devel pixman-devel

Bind address

Bind to, any NIC can receive.

Bind to localhost, only can receive the data send from local.

Bind to <ip>, only can receive the data sent to this NIC.

networking - What does it mean to bind a socket to any address other than localhost? - Stack Overflow

Windows 取消登录密码

Windows 10 如何取消开机密码? - 知乎

How to change from Jekyll to Hugo?

3 approaches:

Docker windows image 下载加速

设置 ->Docker Engine->添加一个字段:

"registry-mirrors": [

这个 URL 需要去阿里云申请(推荐阿里云,速度最快最稳定):容器镜像服务

Container proxy to host clash for when using docker desktop on Windows

Add following to devcontainer.json:

"containerEnv": {
    "http_proxy": "http://host.docker.internal:7890",
    "https_proxy": "http://host.docker.internal:7890",
    "HTTP_PROXY": "http://host.docker.internal:7890",
    "HTTPS_PROXY": "http://host.docker.internal:7890",

CFS 算法

Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) 的设计目标是尽可能地公平地分配 CPU 时间片。CFS 采用红黑树来维护进程的优先级,通过计算每个进程的虚拟运行时间(vruntime)来选择下一个应该执行的进程。

每个进程的虚拟运行时间是指该进程占用 CPU 的时间,与该进程的优先级成反比。CFS 通过不断调整进程的优先级来使得每个进程的虚拟运行时间大致相同。

在选择下一个进程时,CFS 会从红黑树中选择一个 vruntime 最小的进程,将其调度到 运行队列 中。由于红黑树的查找时间复杂度是 O (logN),因此 CFS 的调度时间复杂度也是 O (logN)。

当一个进程被调度到运行队列中执行时,它会被分配一个 timeslice,长度是可配置的。当时间片用完后,进程会被重新放回就绪队列中,等待下一次调度。与传统的时间片轮转算法不同,CFS 的时间片是动态调整的,取决于进程在队列中等待的时间和其优先级的大小。CFS 认为,时间片越长的进程应该更容易获得 CPU 的执行时间,以保证吞吐量和响应时间的平衡。

Run Queue(运行队列)

Different scheduling algorithm may have different explanation on this concept.

Other scheduling algorithms in the Linux kernel may use different data structures to manage the runnable processes, and may not necessarily use the concept of a "run queue" in the same way that CFS does. For example,

  • the O(1) scheduler in Linux divides the run queue into several priority arrays, with each array containing a set of runnable tasks with the same priority. The scheduler selects the task to run from the highest-priority array that contains tasks.
  • The deadline scheduler, on the other hand, maintains a set of queues, with each queue holding tasks with the same deadline. The scheduler selects the next task to run from the earliest expiring deadline queue.

So while the concept of a run queue is specific to CFS, other scheduling algorithms may have similar data structures to hold runnable processes, but with different names and implementation details.


Essentially, vruntime is a measure of the "runtime" of the thread - the amount of time it has spent on the processor. The whole point of CFS is to be fair to all; hence, the algo kind of boils down to a simple thing: (among the tasks on a given runqueue) the task with the lowest vruntime is the task that most deserves to run, hence select it as 'next'.

linux - What is the concept of vruntime in CFS - Stack Overflow


This is a CFS-specific parameter, other schedules don't use it.


就绪队列存储所有 可以运行(但是调度算法还暂时不想让其运行)的进程。当进程调度器需要为某个 CPU 分配一个新的进程时,它会从就绪队列中选择一个进程,并将其移动到对应的运行队列中。

运行队列是一个在 CPU 上运行的队列,用来存储当前正在执行的进程。当一个进程被分配到一个 CPU 运行时,它就会 从就绪队列中被移动到对应的运行队列 中。在运行队列中,进程会占用 CPU 的处理能力,直到它完成了它的任务或者被中断或者被挂起。

KVM source files organization

  Visible to all (must in include/uapi/) visible to all except userspace (must in include/) only visible to current and sub folder
Arch-agnostic include/uapi/linux/kvm.h include/linux/kvm_host.h virt/kvm/kvm_mm.h
Arch-specific (must in arch/x86) arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/kvm.h arch/x86/include/asm/kvm_host.h arch/x86/kvm/x86.h
Vendor-specific arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/vmx.h arch/x86/include/asm/vmx.h arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.h

I think all files can be categorized into these 9 classes.

How does userspace use VMX?

Q: In arch/x86/include/uapi/asm/vmx.h, there are only exit reasons. How does QEMU (userspace) use it?

A: QEMU will sync with the kernel about the number of exit reasons in linux-headers/linux/kvm.h.


It is arch-specific, so couldn't in virt/, thus in arch/x86.

It is just for KVM, so couldn't in arch/x86/include, thus in arch/x86/kvm

kvm.h will sound like it can be used in any architecture, and because this is not vendor-specific, so cannot be named vmx.h or svm.h, so the name x86.h .



Just VM Exit reasons.


supposed to be included by any file in any places.


Because it is not in the include folder, so it is only included in the source files in the same folder arch/x86/kvm/vmx.

Q: Why don't merge it into the arch/x86/include/asm/vmx.h?

A: I think it is because the code in arch/x86/include/asm/vmx.h will be included in any source files in any places, to avoid bloating, extract the contents needn't to be globally imported to arch/x86/kvm/vmx/vmx.h.