
可以自己创建一个新的 event,放在任意的位置。


Vim 的这个机制允许更好看的展示。


In fact, any buffer has two independent flags: loaded and listed. "Loaded and nolisted" is a typical value for special buffers such as "help", so they are visible but not normally shown by :ls;

unloaded buffer

A buffer is loaded if the corresponding file is loaded into memory.

unlisted buffer

set buftype? outputs empty.

Use ls! to see all unlisted buffers.

Unlisted buffers won't trigger BufEnter.

autocompletion - What is the difference between loaded and unloaded buffers? - Vi and Vim Stack Exchange

lua vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) (listed, scratch)


Useful APIs of Neovim

Return a vimscript function call's result to lua


Get current buffer


Get current file name

lua print(vim.fn.expand("%:p"))
:help expand
:echo expand("%:p")    " absolute path
:echo expand("%:p:h")  " absolute path dirname
:echo expand("%:p:h:h")" absolute path dirname dirname
:echo expand("%:.")    " relative path
:echo expand("%:.:h")  " relative path dirname
:echo expand("%:.:h:h")" relative path dirname dirname

:echo expand("<sfile>:p")  " absolute path to [this] vimscript

:help filename-modifiers

How can I expand the full path of the current file to pass to a command in Vim? - Stack Overflow

Get current cursor position

local r,c = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
lua print(unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)))

Get current mode


Get register content


Send key stroke

	call feedkeys("m")

Get a buffer's filetype[bufnr].filetype

Get a buffer's path/name


Change to a new buffer

won't trigger BufEnter


Neovim Plugins


Mappings                                                        *iron-mappings*

Iron by default doesn't map the keybindings, only those supplied in the
core.setup function.

- send_motion: Sends a motion to the repl
- visual_send: Sends the visual selection to the repl
- send_file: Sends the whole file to the repl
- send_line: Sends the line below the cursor to the repl
- send_mark: Sends the text within the mark
- mark_motion: Marks the text object
- mark_visual: Marks the visual selection
- remove_mark: Removes the set mark
- cr: Sends a return to the repl
- interrupt: Sends a `<C-c>` signal to the repl
- exit: Exits the repl
- clear: Clears the repl window