Vim / Neovim
可以自己创建一个新的 event,放在任意的位置。
Vim 的这个机制允许更好看的展示。
In fact, any buffer has two independent flags: loaded and listed. "Loaded and nolisted" is a typical value for special buffers such as "help", so they are visible but not normally shown by :ls
unloaded buffer
A buffer is loaded if the corresponding file is loaded into memory.
unlisted buffer
set buftype?
outputs empty.
Use ls!
to see all unlisted buffers.
Unlisted buffers won't trigger BufEnter
lua vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
(listed, scratch)
Useful APIs of Neovim
Return a vimscript function call's result to lua
Get current buffer
Get current file name
lua print(vim.fn.expand("%:p"))
:help expand
:echo expand("%:p") " absolute path
:echo expand("%:p:h") " absolute path dirname
:echo expand("%:p:h:h")" absolute path dirname dirname
:echo expand("%:.") " relative path
:echo expand("%:.:h") " relative path dirname
:echo expand("%:.:h:h")" relative path dirname dirname
:echo expand("<sfile>:p") " absolute path to [this] vimscript
:help filename-modifiers
How can I expand the full path of the current file to pass to a command in Vim? - Stack Overflow
Get current cursor position
local r,c = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0))
lua print(unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)))
Get current mode
Get register content
Send key stroke
call feedkeys("m")
Get a buffer's filetype[bufnr].filetype
Get a buffer's path/name
Change to a new buffer
won't trigger BufEnter
Neovim Plugins
Mappings *iron-mappings*
Iron by default doesn't map the keybindings, only those supplied in the
core.setup function.
- send_motion: Sends a motion to the repl
- visual_send: Sends the visual selection to the repl
- send_file: Sends the whole file to the repl
- send_line: Sends the line below the cursor to the repl
- send_mark: Sends the text within the mark
- mark_motion: Marks the text object
- mark_visual: Marks the visual selection
- remove_mark: Removes the set mark
- cr: Sends a return to the repl
- interrupt: Sends a `<C-c>` signal to the repl
- exit: Exits the repl
- clear: Clears the repl window
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