

文件名称 作用
udp-header.h UDP协议的头部信息。
udp-header.cc 同上。
udp-l4-protocol.h UDP传输层协议,继承自IpL4Protocol类。
udp-l4-protocol.cc 同上。
udp-socket-factory-impl.h 继承自UdpSocketFactory类,进一步实现了UDP中的机制。
udp-socket-factory-impl.cc 同上。
udp-socket-factory.h 继承自SocketFactory类,是具有UDP特色的SocketFactory。
udp-socket-factory.cc 同上。
udp-socket-impl.h 继承自UdpSocket类,用来进一步实现UDP中的机制。
udp-socket-impl.cc 同上。
udp-socket.h 继承自Socket类,用来实现一些UDP相关的函数。
udp-socket.cc 同上。


这个的实现依赖于一些地址类,关于这些地址类的讲解可以参考另一篇文章NS3中的网络地址 « 云中君



// Connections to other layers of TCP/IP
Ipv4EndPoint*       m_endPoint;   //!< the IPv4 endpoint
Ipv6EndPoint*       m_endPoint6;  //!< the IPv6 endpoint
Ptr<Node>           m_node;       //!< the associated node
Ptr<UdpL4Protocol> m_udp;         //!< the associated UDP L4 protocol
Callback<void, Ipv4Address,uint8_t,uint8_t,uint8_t,uint32_t> m_icmpCallback;  //!< ICMP callback
Callback<void, Ipv6Address,uint8_t,uint8_t,uint8_t,uint32_t> m_icmpCallback6; //!< ICMPv6 callback

Address m_defaultAddress; //!< Default address
uint16_t m_defaultPort;   //!< Default port
TracedCallback<Ptr<const Packet> > m_dropTrace; //!< Trace for dropped packets

mutable enum SocketErrno m_errno;           //!< Socket error code
bool                     m_shutdownSend;    //!< Send no longer allowed
bool                     m_shutdownRecv;    //!< Receive no longer allowed
bool                     m_connected;       //!< Connection established
bool                     m_allowBroadcast;  //!< Allow send broadcast packets

std::queue<std::pair<Ptr<Packet>, Address> > m_deliveryQueue; //!< Queue for incoming packets
uint32_t m_rxAvailable;                   //!< Number of available bytes to be received

// Socket attributes
uint32_t m_rcvBufSize;    //!< Receive buffer size
uint8_t m_ipMulticastTtl; //!< Multicast TTL
int32_t m_ipMulticastIf;  //!< Multicast Interface
bool m_ipMulticastLoop;   //!< Allow multicast loop
bool m_mtuDiscover;       //!< Allow MTU discovery


  • 当前的连接四元组;
  • 当前主机;
  • 当前的UDP协议;
  • 当前绑定的设备(由于继承了Socket,其包含在Socket当中)。


namespace ns3 {



// The correct maximum UDP message size is 65507, as determined by the following formula:
// 0xffff - (sizeof(IP Header) + sizeof(UDP Header)) = 65535-(20+8) = 65507
// \todo MAX_IPV4_UDP_DATAGRAM_SIZE is correct only for IPv4
static const uint32_t MAX_IPV4_UDP_DATAGRAM_SIZE = 65507; //!< Maximum UDP datagram size

// Add attributes generic to all UdpSockets to base class UdpSocket
UdpSocketImpl::GetTypeId (void)
  static TypeId tid = TypeId ("ns3::UdpSocketImpl")
    .SetParent<UdpSocket> ()
    .SetGroupName ("Internet")
    .AddConstructor<UdpSocketImpl> ()
    .AddTraceSource ("Drop",
                     "Drop UDP packet due to receive buffer overflow",
                     MakeTraceSourceAccessor (&UdpSocketImpl::m_dropTrace),
    .AddAttribute ("IcmpCallback", "Callback invoked whenever an icmp error is received on this socket.",
                   CallbackValue (),
                   MakeCallbackAccessor (&UdpSocketImpl::m_icmpCallback),
                   MakeCallbackChecker ())
    .AddAttribute ("IcmpCallback6", "Callback invoked whenever an icmpv6 error is received on this socket.",
                   CallbackValue (),
                   MakeCallbackAccessor (&UdpSocketImpl::m_icmpCallback6),
                   MakeCallbackChecker ())
  return tid;

// 构造函数对一些变量和状态进行初始化
UdpSocketImpl::UdpSocketImpl ()
  : m_endPoint (0),
    m_endPoint6 (0),
    m_node (0),
    m_udp (0),
    m_errno (ERROR_NOTERROR),
    m_shutdownSend (false),
    m_shutdownRecv (false),
    m_connected (false),
    m_rxAvailable (0)
  m_allowBroadcast = false;

UdpSocketImpl::~UdpSocketImpl ()

  /// \todo  leave any multicast groups that have been joined
  m_node = 0;
   * Note: actually this function is called AFTER
   * UdpSocketImpl::Destroy or UdpSocketImpl::Destroy6
   * so the code below is unnecessary in normal operations
  if (m_endPoint != 0)
      NS_ASSERT (m_udp != 0);
       * Note that this piece of code is a bit tricky:
       * when DeAllocate is called, it will call into
       * Ipv4EndPointDemux::Deallocate which triggers
       * a delete of the associated endPoint which triggers
       * in turn a call to the method UdpSocketImpl::Destroy below
       * will will zero the m_endPoint field.
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
      m_udp->DeAllocate (m_endPoint);
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
  if (m_endPoint6 != 0)
      NS_ASSERT (m_udp != 0);
       * Note that this piece of code is a bit tricky:
       * when DeAllocate is called, it will call into
       * Ipv4EndPointDemux::Deallocate which triggers
       * a delete of the associated endPoint which triggers
       * in turn a call to the method UdpSocketImpl::Destroy below
       * will will zero the m_endPoint field.
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 != 0);
      m_udp->DeAllocate (m_endPoint6);
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 == 0);
  m_udp = 0;

// 设置节点,也就是设置这个UDP socket所需要绑定的主机
UdpSocketImpl::SetNode (Ptr<Node> node)
  m_node = node;

// 设置这个socket所绑定的UDP协议对象
UdpSocketImpl::SetUdp (Ptr<UdpL4Protocol> udp)
  m_udp = udp;

// 得到最近的错误号
enum Socket::SocketErrno
UdpSocketImpl::GetErrno (void) const
  return m_errno;

// 得到socket类型
enum Socket::SocketType
UdpSocketImpl::GetSocketType (void) const
  return NS3_SOCK_DGRAM;

// 得到绑定的主机
UdpSocketImpl::GetNode (void) const
  return m_node;

// 将当前的m_endPoint设置为0
UdpSocketImpl::Destroy (void)
  m_endPoint = 0;

UdpSocketImpl::Destroy6 (void)
  m_endPoint6 = 0;

/* Deallocate the end point and cancel all the timers */
UdpSocketImpl::DeallocateEndPoint (void)
  if (m_endPoint != 0)
      m_endPoint->SetDestroyCallback (MakeNullCallback<void> ());
       * 注意这里与下一条语句的区别是,第一条语句根据这个m_endPoint释放UdpL4Protocol中相关的资源,
       * 由于作为协议,m_udp保有一系列的地址以及端口四元组,因为一个协议栈应当能够同时保有多个连接。当
       * 当前连接要失效时,我们除了应当将当前连接的m_endPoint设置为0以外,也需要将协议中保有的关于这个
       * 连接的信息删除(m_udp中有一个类型为Ipv4EndPointDemux的成员变量,其中存储了所有的endPoint)
      m_udp->DeAllocate (m_endPoint);
      m_endPoint = 0;
  if (m_endPoint6 != 0)
      m_endPoint6->SetDestroyCallback (MakeNullCallback<void> ());
      // 此处同上,为上面的IPv6版本
      m_udp->DeAllocate (m_endPoint6);
      m_endPoint6 = 0;

// 在Bind完成的最后时刻,我们需要通过调用这个函数来处理一些绑定的事情,也就是说这个函数是被Bind函数所调用
UdpSocketImpl::FinishBind (void)
  bool done = false;
  if (m_endPoint != 0)
       * 设置当接收到数据后的回调,这个回调函数无返回值。
       * 由于MakeCallback函数的一个参数为成员函数,第二个参数为调用的对象,我们可以看到这里的成员函数
       * 是UdpSocketImpl类中的ForwardUp函数,调用者为自己,但由于NS3系统中实现了自己的智能指针,所
       * 以需要通过Ptr<UdpSocketImpl>进行包装后再传入。
       * ForwardUp函数把接收到的包发送给上层,这条语句的意思是设置一个回调,当收到包之后将包转发给上层
      m_endPoint->SetRxCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      // 同样,当接收到ICMP包之后,将包转发给上层
      m_endPoint->SetIcmpCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardIcmp, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      m_endPoint->SetDestroyCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::Destroy, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      done = true;
  if (m_endPoint6 != 0)
      m_endPoint6->SetRxCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp6, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      m_endPoint6->SetIcmpCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::ForwardIcmp6, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      m_endPoint6->SetDestroyCallback (MakeCallback (&UdpSocketImpl::Destroy6, Ptr<UdpSocketImpl> (this)));
      done = true;
  if (done)
      return 0;
  return -1;

UdpSocketImpl::Bind (void)
  // 没有指定地址,那么就自动分配地址
  m_endPoint = m_udp->Allocate ();
  // 如果指定了网卡,那么将其绑定到网卡上;如果还未绑定网卡,那就先不指明绑定到哪一个网卡上
  if (m_boundnetdevice)
      m_endPoint->BindToNetDevice (m_boundnetdevice);
  return FinishBind ();

// 这个函数和上一个作用相同,只是换成了IPv6的版本
UdpSocketImpl::Bind6 (void)
  m_endPoint6 = m_udp->Allocate6 ();
  if (m_boundnetdevice)
      m_endPoint6->BindToNetDevice (m_boundnetdevice);
  return FinishBind ();

// 这是指明了绑定地址的版本
UdpSocketImpl::Bind (const Address &address)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << address);

  // 如果address中存的是一个IPv4的地址
  if (InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType (address))
      NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_endPoint == 0, "Endpoint already allocated.");

      InetSocketAddress transport = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
      Ipv4Address ipv4 = transport.GetIpv4 ();
      uint16_t port = transport.GetPort ();
      SetIpTos (transport.GetTos ());
       * 地址是0.0.0.0在socket bind中表示所有可用的interface,比如一个程序选择监听在0.0.0.0,则表示		  * 要监听在所有的自己可用的IP地址(所有的网卡)上,所以不需要指定网卡。如果一个主机有两个IP地址,		* 和,并且该主机上的一个服务监听的地址是0.0.0.0,那么通过两个ip地址都能		 * 够访问该服务,端口是随机分配的。
      if (ipv4 == Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port == 0)
          m_endPoint = m_udp->Allocate ();
      // 指定端口后,需要根据当前设备来设置端口(因为一个网卡设备有一套端口系统)。
      else if (ipv4 == Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port != 0)
          m_endPoint = m_udp->Allocate (GetBoundNetDevice (), port);
      // 地址分配了,端口未分配,根据地址分配一个端口
      else if (ipv4 != Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port == 0)
          m_endPoint = m_udp->Allocate (ipv4);
      // 地址和端口都分配了,直接设置这些地址和端口
      else if (ipv4 != Ipv4Address::GetAny () && port != 0)
          m_endPoint = m_udp->Allocate (GetBoundNetDevice (), ipv4, port);
      // 未设置成功,根据端口来判断错误类型,端口不是0时说明地址在使用,而端口是0时,说明地址不可用
      if (0 == m_endPoint)
          m_errno = port ? ERROR_ADDRINUSE : ERROR_ADDRNOTAVAIL;
          return -1;
      // 将这个连接绑定到设备上
      if (m_boundnetdevice)
          m_endPoint->BindToNetDevice (m_boundnetdevice);

  // IPv6版本
  else if (Inet6SocketAddress::IsMatchingType (address))
      NS_ASSERT_MSG (m_endPoint == 0, "Endpoint already allocated.");

      Inet6SocketAddress transport = Inet6SocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
      Ipv6Address ipv6 = transport.GetIpv6 ();
      uint16_t port = transport.GetPort ();
      if (ipv6 == Ipv6Address::GetAny () && port == 0)
          m_endPoint6 = m_udp->Allocate6 ();
      else if (ipv6 == Ipv6Address::GetAny () && port != 0)
          m_endPoint6 = m_udp->Allocate6 (GetBoundNetDevice (), port);
      else if (ipv6 != Ipv6Address::GetAny () && port == 0)
          m_endPoint6 = m_udp->Allocate6 (ipv6);
      else if (ipv6 != Ipv6Address::GetAny () && port != 0)
          m_endPoint6 = m_udp->Allocate6 (GetBoundNetDevice (), ipv6, port);
      if (0 == m_endPoint6)
          m_errno = port ? ERROR_ADDRINUSE : ERROR_ADDRNOTAVAIL;
          return -1;
      if (m_boundnetdevice)
          m_endPoint6->BindToNetDevice (m_boundnetdevice);

      if (ipv6.IsMulticast ())
          Ptr<Ipv6L3Protocol> ipv6l3 = m_node->GetObject <Ipv6L3Protocol> ();
          if (ipv6l3)
              if (m_boundnetdevice == 0)
                  ipv6l3->AddMulticastAddress (ipv6);
                  uint32_t index = ipv6l3->GetInterfaceForDevice (m_boundnetdevice);
                  ipv6l3->AddMulticastAddress (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress (), index);
      NS_LOG_ERROR ("Not IsMatchingType");
      m_errno = ERROR_INVAL;
      return -1;
  // 完成回调的设置
  return FinishBind ();

UdpSocketImpl::ShutdownSend (void)
  m_shutdownSend = true;
  return 0;

UdpSocketImpl::ShutdownRecv (void)
  m_shutdownRecv = true;
  if (m_endPoint)
      m_endPoint->SetRxEnabled (false);
  if (m_endPoint6)
      m_endPoint6->SetRxEnabled (false);
  return 0;

UdpSocketImpl::Close (void)
  if (m_shutdownRecv == true && m_shutdownSend == true)
      m_errno = Socket::ERROR_BADF;
      return -1;
  Ipv6LeaveGroup ();
  m_shutdownRecv = true;
  m_shutdownSend = true;
  DeallocateEndPoint ();
  return 0;

// UDP是无连接的,所以这里的connect并不会向对端发送任何信息,而只是设置一些本地的变量
UdpSocketImpl::Connect (const Address & address)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << address);
  if (InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType(address) == true)
      InetSocketAddress transport = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
      m_defaultAddress = Address(transport.GetIpv4 ());
      m_defaultPort = transport.GetPort ();
      SetIpTos (transport.GetTos ());
      m_connected = true;
      // 这里需要执行回调函数
      NotifyConnectionSucceeded ();
  else if (Inet6SocketAddress::IsMatchingType(address) == true)
      Inet6SocketAddress transport = Inet6SocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
      m_defaultAddress = Address(transport.GetIpv6 ());
      m_defaultPort = transport.GetPort ();
      m_connected = true;
      NotifyConnectionSucceeded ();
      NotifyConnectionFailed ();
      return -1;

  return 0;

// UDP不需要LISTEN原语,所以错误为动作类型不支持
UdpSocketImpl::Listen (void)
  m_errno = Socket::ERROR_OPNOTSUPP;
  return -1;

// Send函数通过DoSend函数来发送包
UdpSocketImpl::Send (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << flags);

  if (!m_connected)
      m_errno = ERROR_NOTCONN;
      return -1;

  return DoSend (p);

UdpSocketImpl::DoSend (Ptr<Packet> p)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p);
  // 未绑定时重新进行绑定
  if ((m_endPoint == 0) && (Ipv4Address::IsMatchingType(m_defaultAddress) == true))
      if (Bind () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
  else if ((m_endPoint6 == 0) && (Ipv6Address::IsMatchingType(m_defaultAddress) == true))
      if (Bind6 () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 != 0);
  // 关闭发送时不可发送
  if (m_shutdownSend)
      m_errno = ERROR_SHUTDOWN;
      return -1;
  // 主要流程:调用DoSendTo函数发送包
  if (Ipv4Address::IsMatchingType (m_defaultAddress))
      return DoSendTo (p, Ipv4Address::ConvertFrom (m_defaultAddress), m_defaultPort, GetIpTos ());
  else if (Ipv6Address::IsMatchingType (m_defaultAddress))
      return DoSendTo (p, Ipv6Address::ConvertFrom (m_defaultAddress), m_defaultPort);


UdpSocketImpl::DoSendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, Ipv4Address dest, uint16_t port, uint8_t tos)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << dest << port << (uint16_t) tos);
  if (m_boundnetdevice)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Bound interface number " << m_boundnetdevice->GetIfIndex ());
  if (m_endPoint == 0)
      if (Bind () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint != 0);
  if (m_shutdownSend)
      m_errno = ERROR_SHUTDOWN;
      return -1;

  // 包的大小超过了发送缓冲区的大小
  if (p->GetSize () > GetTxAvailable () )
      m_errno = ERROR_MSGSIZE;
      return -1;

  // 如果指定了TOS,那么根据TOS对包进行设置
  uint8_t priority = GetPriority ();
  if (tos)
      SocketIpTosTag ipTosTag;
      ipTosTag.SetTos (tos);
      // This packet may already have a SocketIpTosTag (see BUG 2440)
      p->ReplacePacketTag (ipTosTag);
      priority = IpTos2Priority (tos);

  // 如果指定了优先级,则根据优先级进行设置
  if (priority)
      SocketPriorityTag priorityTag;
      priorityTag.SetPriority (priority);
      p->ReplacePacketTag (priorityTag);

  Ptr<Ipv4> ipv4 = m_node->GetObject<Ipv4> ();

  // Locally override the IP TTL for this socket
  // We cannot directly modify the TTL at this stage, so we set a Packet tag
  // The destination can be either multicast, unicast/anycast, or
  // either all-hosts broadcast or limited (subnet-directed) broadcast.
  // For the latter two broadcast types, the TTL will later be set to one
  // irrespective of what is set in these socket options.  So, this tagging
  // may end up setting the TTL of a limited broadcast packet to be
  // the same as a unicast, but it will be fixed further down the stack
  if (m_ipMulticastTtl != 0 && dest.IsMulticast ())
      SocketIpTtlTag tag;
      tag.SetTtl (m_ipMulticastTtl);
      p->AddPacketTag (tag);
  else if (IsManualIpTtl () && GetIpTtl () != 0 && !dest.IsMulticast () && !dest.IsBroadcast ())
      SocketIpTtlTag tag;
      tag.SetTtl (GetIpTtl ());
      p->AddPacketTag (tag);
    SocketSetDontFragmentTag tag;
    bool found = p->RemovePacketTag (tag);
    if (!found)
        if (m_mtuDiscover)
            tag.Enable ();
            tag.Disable ();
        p->AddPacketTag (tag);
  // If dest is set to the limited broadcast address (all ones),
  // convert it to send a copy of the packet out of every 
  // interface as a subnet-directed broadcast.
  // Exception:  if the interface has a /32 address, there is no
  // valid subnet-directed broadcast, so send it as limited broadcast
  // Note also that some systems will only send limited broadcast packets
  // out of the "default" interface; here we send it out all interfaces
  if (dest.IsBroadcast ())
      if (!m_allowBroadcast)
          m_errno = ERROR_OPNOTSUPP;
          return -1;
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Limited broadcast start.");
      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ipv4->GetNInterfaces (); i++ )
          // Get the primary address
          Ipv4InterfaceAddress iaddr = ipv4->GetAddress (i, 0);
          Ipv4Address addri = iaddr.GetLocal ();
          if (addri == Ipv4Address (""))
          // Check if interface-bound socket
          if (m_boundnetdevice) 
              if (ipv4->GetNetDevice (i) != m_boundnetdevice)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Sending one copy from " << addri << " to " << dest);
          m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), addri, dest,
                       m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port);
          NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
          NotifySend (GetTxAvailable ());
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Limited broadcast end.");
      return p->GetSize ();
  else if (m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress () != Ipv4Address::GetAny ())
      m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (), dest,
                   m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port, 0);
      NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
      NotifySend (GetTxAvailable ());
      return p->GetSize ();
  else if (ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol () != 0)
      Ipv4Header header;
      header.SetDestination (dest);
      header.SetProtocol (UdpL4Protocol::PROT_NUMBER);
      Socket::SocketErrno errno_;
      Ptr<Ipv4Route> route;
      Ptr<NetDevice> oif = m_boundnetdevice; //specify non-zero if bound to a specific device
      // TBD-- we could cache the route and just check its validity
      route = ipv4->GetRoutingProtocol ()->RouteOutput (p, header, oif, errno_); 
      if (route != 0)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Route exists");
          if (!m_allowBroadcast)
              uint32_t outputIfIndex = ipv4->GetInterfaceForDevice (route->GetOutputDevice ());
              uint32_t ifNAddr = ipv4->GetNAddresses (outputIfIndex);
              for (uint32_t addrI = 0; addrI < ifNAddr; ++addrI)
                  Ipv4InterfaceAddress ifAddr = ipv4->GetAddress (outputIfIndex, addrI);
                  if (dest == ifAddr.GetBroadcast ())
                      m_errno = ERROR_OPNOTSUPP;
                      return -1;

          header.SetSource (route->GetSource ());
          m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), header.GetSource (), header.GetDestination (),
                       m_endPoint->GetLocalPort (), port, route);
          NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
          return p->GetSize ();
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("No route to destination");
          NS_LOG_ERROR (errno_);
          m_errno = errno_;
          return -1;
      m_errno = ERROR_NOROUTETOHOST;
      return -1;

  return 0;

UdpSocketImpl::DoSendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, Ipv6Address dest, uint16_t port)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << dest << port);

  if (dest.IsIpv4MappedAddress ())
        return (DoSendTo(p, dest.GetIpv4MappedAddress (), port, 0));
  if (m_boundnetdevice)
      NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Bound interface number " << m_boundnetdevice->GetIfIndex ());
  if (m_endPoint6 == 0)
      if (Bind6 () == -1)
          NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 == 0);
          return -1;
      NS_ASSERT (m_endPoint6 != 0);
  if (m_shutdownSend)
      m_errno = ERROR_SHUTDOWN;
      return -1;

  if (p->GetSize () > GetTxAvailable () )
      m_errno = ERROR_MSGSIZE;
      return -1;

  if (IsManualIpv6Tclass ())
      SocketIpv6TclassTag ipTclassTag;
      ipTclassTag.SetTclass (GetIpv6Tclass ());
      p->AddPacketTag (ipTclassTag);

  uint8_t priority = GetPriority ();
  if (priority)
      SocketPriorityTag priorityTag;
      priorityTag.SetPriority (priority);
      p->ReplacePacketTag (priorityTag);

  Ptr<Ipv6> ipv6 = m_node->GetObject<Ipv6> ();

  // Locally override the IP TTL for this socket
  // We cannot directly modify the TTL at this stage, so we set a Packet tag
  // The destination can be either multicast, unicast/anycast, or
  // either all-hosts broadcast or limited (subnet-directed) broadcast.
  // For the latter two broadcast types, the TTL will later be set to one
  // irrespective of what is set in these socket options.  So, this tagging
  // may end up setting the TTL of a limited broadcast packet to be
  // the same as a unicast, but it will be fixed further down the stack
  if (m_ipMulticastTtl != 0 && dest.IsMulticast ())
      SocketIpv6HopLimitTag tag;
      tag.SetHopLimit (m_ipMulticastTtl);
      p->AddPacketTag (tag);
  else if (IsManualIpv6HopLimit () && GetIpv6HopLimit () != 0 && !dest.IsMulticast ())
      SocketIpv6HopLimitTag tag;
      tag.SetHopLimit (GetIpv6HopLimit ());
      p->AddPacketTag (tag);
  // There is no analgous to an IPv4 broadcast address in IPv6.
  // Instead, we use a set of link-local, site-local, and global
  // multicast addresses.  The Ipv6 routing layers should all
  // provide an interface-specific route to these addresses such
  // that we can treat these multicast addresses as "not broadcast"

  if (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress () != Ipv6Address::GetAny ())
      m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress (), dest,
                   m_endPoint6->GetLocalPort (), port, 0);
      NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
      NotifySend (GetTxAvailable ());
      return p->GetSize ();
  else if (ipv6->GetRoutingProtocol () != 0)
      Ipv6Header header;
      header.SetDestinationAddress (dest);
      header.SetNextHeader (UdpL4Protocol::PROT_NUMBER);
      Socket::SocketErrno errno_;
      Ptr<Ipv6Route> route;
      Ptr<NetDevice> oif = m_boundnetdevice; //specify non-zero if bound to a specific device
      // TBD-- we could cache the route and just check its validity
      route = ipv6->GetRoutingProtocol ()->RouteOutput (p, header, oif, errno_); 
      if (route != 0)
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("Route exists");
          header.SetSourceAddress (route->GetSource ());
          m_udp->Send (p->Copy (), header.GetSourceAddress (), header.GetDestinationAddress (),
                       m_endPoint6->GetLocalPort (), port, route);
          NotifyDataSent (p->GetSize ());
          return p->GetSize ();
          NS_LOG_LOGIC ("No route to destination");
          NS_LOG_ERROR (errno_);
          m_errno = errno_;
          return -1;
      m_errno = ERROR_NOROUTETOHOST;
      return -1;

  return 0;

// maximum message size for UDP broadcast is limited by MTU
// size of underlying link; we are not checking that now.
// \todo Check MTU size of underlying link
UdpSocketImpl::GetTxAvailable (void) const
  // No finite send buffer is modelled, but we must respect
  // the maximum size of an IP datagram (65535 bytes - headers).

UdpSocketImpl::SendTo (Ptr<Packet> p, uint32_t flags, const Address &address)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << p << flags << address);
  if (InetSocketAddress::IsMatchingType (address))
      InetSocketAddress transport = InetSocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
      Ipv4Address ipv4 = transport.GetIpv4 ();
      uint16_t port = transport.GetPort ();
      uint8_t tos = transport.GetTos ();
      return DoSendTo (p, ipv4, port, tos);
  else if (Inet6SocketAddress::IsMatchingType (address))
      Inet6SocketAddress transport = Inet6SocketAddress::ConvertFrom (address);
      Ipv6Address ipv6 = transport.GetIpv6 ();
      uint16_t port = transport.GetPort ();
      return DoSendTo (p, ipv6, port);
  return -1;

UdpSocketImpl::GetRxAvailable (void) const
  // We separately maintain this state to avoid walking the queue 
  // every time this might be called
  return m_rxAvailable;

UdpSocketImpl::Recv (uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << maxSize << flags);

  Address fromAddress;
  Ptr<Packet> packet = RecvFrom (maxSize, flags, fromAddress);
  return packet;

UdpSocketImpl::RecvFrom (uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags, 
                         Address &fromAddress)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << maxSize << flags);

  if (m_deliveryQueue.empty () )
      m_errno = ERROR_AGAIN;
      return 0;
  Ptr<Packet> p = m_deliveryQueue.front ().first;
  fromAddress = m_deliveryQueue.front ().second;

  if (p->GetSize () <= maxSize)
      m_deliveryQueue.pop ();
      m_rxAvailable -= p->GetSize ();
      p = 0;
  return p;

UdpSocketImpl::GetSockName (Address &address) const
  if (m_endPoint != 0)
      address = InetSocketAddress (m_endPoint->GetLocalAddress (), m_endPoint->GetLocalPort ());
  else if (m_endPoint6 != 0)
      address = Inet6SocketAddress (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress (), m_endPoint6->GetLocalPort ());
    { // It is possible to call this method on a socket without a name
      // in which case, behavior is unspecified
      // Should this return an InetSocketAddress or an Inet6SocketAddress?
      address = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetZero (), 0);
  return 0;

UdpSocketImpl::GetPeerName (Address &address) const
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << address);

  if (!m_connected)
      m_errno = ERROR_NOTCONN;
      return -1;

  if (Ipv4Address::IsMatchingType (m_defaultAddress))
      Ipv4Address addr = Ipv4Address::ConvertFrom (m_defaultAddress);
      InetSocketAddress inet (addr, m_defaultPort);
      inet.SetTos (GetIpTos ());
      address = inet;
  else if (Ipv6Address::IsMatchingType (m_defaultAddress))
      Ipv6Address addr = Ipv6Address::ConvertFrom (m_defaultAddress);
      address = Inet6SocketAddress (addr, m_defaultPort);
      NS_ASSERT_MSG (false, "unexpected address type");

  return 0;

UdpSocketImpl::MulticastJoinGroup (uint32_t interface, const Address &groupAddress)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (interface << groupAddress);
   1) sanity check interface
   2) sanity check that it has not been called yet on this interface/group
   3) determine address family of groupAddress
   4) locally store a list of (interface, groupAddress)
   5) call ipv4->MulticastJoinGroup () or Ipv6->MulticastJoinGroup ()
  return 0;

UdpSocketImpl::MulticastLeaveGroup (uint32_t interface, const Address &groupAddress) 
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (interface << groupAddress);
   1) sanity check interface
   2) determine address family of groupAddress
   3) delete from local list of (interface, groupAddress); raise a LOG_WARN
      if not already present (but return 0) 
   5) call ipv4->MulticastLeaveGroup () or Ipv6->MulticastLeaveGroup ()
  return 0;

UdpSocketImpl::BindToNetDevice (Ptr<NetDevice> netdevice)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (netdevice);

  Ptr<NetDevice> oldBoundNetDevice = m_boundnetdevice;

  Socket::BindToNetDevice (netdevice); // Includes sanity check
  if (m_endPoint != 0)
      m_endPoint->BindToNetDevice (netdevice);

  if (m_endPoint6 != 0)
      m_endPoint6->BindToNetDevice (netdevice);

      // The following is to fix the multicast distribution inside the node
      // and to upgrade it to the actual bound NetDevice.
      if (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress ().IsMulticast ())
          Ptr<Ipv6L3Protocol> ipv6l3 = m_node->GetObject <Ipv6L3Protocol> ();
          if (ipv6l3)
              // Cleanup old one
              if (oldBoundNetDevice)
                  uint32_t index = ipv6l3->GetInterfaceForDevice (oldBoundNetDevice);
                  ipv6l3->RemoveMulticastAddress (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress (), index);
                  ipv6l3->RemoveMulticastAddress (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress ());
              // add new one
              if (netdevice)
                  uint32_t index = ipv6l3->GetInterfaceForDevice (netdevice);
                  ipv6l3->AddMulticastAddress (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress (), index);
                  ipv6l3->AddMulticastAddress (m_endPoint6->GetLocalAddress ());


UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp (Ptr<Packet> packet, Ipv4Header header, uint16_t port,
                          Ptr<Ipv4Interface> incomingInterface)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << header << port);

  if (m_shutdownRecv)

  // Should check via getsockopt ()..
  if (IsRecvPktInfo ())
      Ipv4PacketInfoTag tag;
      packet->RemovePacketTag (tag);
      tag.SetRecvIf (incomingInterface->GetDevice ()->GetIfIndex ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (tag);

  //Check only version 4 options
  if (IsIpRecvTos ())
      SocketIpTosTag ipTosTag;
      ipTosTag.SetTos (header.GetTos ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (ipTosTag);

  if (IsIpRecvTtl ())
      SocketIpTtlTag ipTtlTag;
      ipTtlTag.SetTtl (header.GetTtl ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (ipTtlTag);

  // in case the packet still has a priority tag attached, remove it
  SocketPriorityTag priorityTag;
  packet->RemovePacketTag (priorityTag);

  if ((m_rxAvailable + packet->GetSize ()) <= m_rcvBufSize)
      Address address = InetSocketAddress (header.GetSource (), port);
      m_deliveryQueue.push (std::make_pair (packet, address));
      m_rxAvailable += packet->GetSize ();
      NotifyDataRecv ();
      // In general, this case should not occur unless the
      // receiving application reads data from this socket slowly
      // in comparison to the arrival rate
      // drop and trace packet
      NS_LOG_WARN ("No receive buffer space available.  Drop.");
      m_dropTrace (packet);

UdpSocketImpl::ForwardUp6 (Ptr<Packet> packet, Ipv6Header header, uint16_t port, Ptr<Ipv6Interface> incomingInterface)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << packet << header.GetSourceAddress () << port);

  if (m_shutdownRecv)

  // Should check via getsockopt ().
  if (IsRecvPktInfo ())
      Ipv6PacketInfoTag tag;
      packet->RemovePacketTag (tag);
      tag.SetRecvIf (incomingInterface->GetDevice ()->GetIfIndex ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (tag);

  // Check only version 6 options
  if (IsIpv6RecvTclass ())
      SocketIpv6TclassTag ipTclassTag;
      ipTclassTag.SetTclass (header.GetTrafficClass ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (ipTclassTag);

  if (IsIpv6RecvHopLimit ())
      SocketIpv6HopLimitTag ipHopLimitTag;
      ipHopLimitTag.SetHopLimit (header.GetHopLimit ());
      packet->AddPacketTag (ipHopLimitTag);

  // in case the packet still has a priority tag attached, remove it
  SocketPriorityTag priorityTag;
  packet->RemovePacketTag (priorityTag);

  if ((m_rxAvailable + packet->GetSize ()) <= m_rcvBufSize)
      Address address = Inet6SocketAddress (header.GetSourceAddress (), port);
      m_deliveryQueue.push (std::make_pair (packet, address));
      m_rxAvailable += packet->GetSize ();
      NotifyDataRecv ();
      // In general, this case should not occur unless the
      // receiving application reads data from this socket slowly
      // in comparison to the arrival rate
      // drop and trace packet
      NS_LOG_WARN ("No receive buffer space available.  Drop.");
      m_dropTrace (packet);

UdpSocketImpl::ForwardIcmp (Ipv4Address icmpSource, uint8_t icmpTtl, 
                            uint8_t icmpType, uint8_t icmpCode,
                            uint32_t icmpInfo)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << icmpSource << (uint32_t)icmpTtl << (uint32_t)icmpType <<
                   (uint32_t)icmpCode << icmpInfo);
  if (!m_icmpCallback.IsNull ())
      m_icmpCallback (icmpSource, icmpTtl, icmpType, icmpCode, icmpInfo);

UdpSocketImpl::ForwardIcmp6 (Ipv6Address icmpSource, uint8_t icmpTtl, 
                            uint8_t icmpType, uint8_t icmpCode,
                            uint32_t icmpInfo)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << icmpSource << (uint32_t)icmpTtl << (uint32_t)icmpType <<
                   (uint32_t)icmpCode << icmpInfo);
  if (!m_icmpCallback6.IsNull ())
      m_icmpCallback6 (icmpSource, icmpTtl, icmpType, icmpCode, icmpInfo);

UdpSocketImpl::SetRcvBufSize (uint32_t size)
  m_rcvBufSize = size;

UdpSocketImpl::GetRcvBufSize (void) const
  return m_rcvBufSize;

UdpSocketImpl::SetIpMulticastTtl (uint8_t ipTtl)
  m_ipMulticastTtl = ipTtl;

UdpSocketImpl::GetIpMulticastTtl (void) const
  return m_ipMulticastTtl;

UdpSocketImpl::SetIpMulticastIf (int32_t ipIf)
  m_ipMulticastIf = ipIf;

UdpSocketImpl::GetIpMulticastIf (void) const
  return m_ipMulticastIf;

UdpSocketImpl::SetIpMulticastLoop (bool loop)
  m_ipMulticastLoop = loop;

UdpSocketImpl::GetIpMulticastLoop (void) const
  return m_ipMulticastLoop;

UdpSocketImpl::SetMtuDiscover (bool discover)
  m_mtuDiscover = discover;
UdpSocketImpl::GetMtuDiscover (void) const
  return m_mtuDiscover;

UdpSocketImpl::SetAllowBroadcast (bool allowBroadcast)
  m_allowBroadcast = allowBroadcast;
  return true;

UdpSocketImpl::GetAllowBroadcast () const
  return m_allowBroadcast;

UdpSocketImpl::Ipv6JoinGroup (Ipv6Address address, Socket::Ipv6MulticastFilterMode filterMode, std::vector<Ipv6Address> sourceAddresses)
  NS_LOG_FUNCTION (this << address << &filterMode << &sourceAddresses);

  // We can join only one multicast group (or change its params)
  NS_ASSERT_MSG ((m_ipv6MulticastGroupAddress == address || m_ipv6MulticastGroupAddress.IsAny ()), "Can join only one IPv6 multicast group.");

  m_ipv6MulticastGroupAddress = address;

  Ptr<Ipv6L3Protocol> ipv6l3 = m_node->GetObject <Ipv6L3Protocol> ();
  if (ipv6l3)
      if (filterMode == INCLUDE && sourceAddresses.empty ())
          // it is a leave
          if (m_boundnetdevice)
              int32_t index = ipv6l3->GetInterfaceForDevice (m_boundnetdevice);
              NS_ASSERT_MSG (index >= 0, "Interface without a valid index");
              ipv6l3->RemoveMulticastAddress (address, index);
              ipv6l3->RemoveMulticastAddress (address);
          // it is a join or a modification
          if (m_boundnetdevice)
              int32_t index = ipv6l3->GetInterfaceForDevice (m_boundnetdevice);
              NS_ASSERT_MSG (index >= 0, "Interface without a valid index");
              ipv6l3->AddMulticastAddress (address, index);
              ipv6l3->AddMulticastAddress (address);

} // namespace ns3